Two seniors staying active in Tucson by taking a brisk walk together in the park.

Seniors Staying Active: Why It’s Crucial and Ideas to Implement Today

We’re certainly used to hot weather in Arizona, but this summer has been especially brutal. As a result, many older adults put a pause on exercise and other physical activity for safety’s sake. Now that the intense summer heat is behind us, it’s the perfect time to start or get back to a routine of physical fitness. Finding motivation begins with understanding the benefits of seniors staying active.

Why Is It So Important for Older Adults to Remain Physically Active?

The results to be gained by exercising in our senior years are astounding, impacting both physical and emotional wellbeing. Consider, for instance, the following benefits of exercise for seniors:

  • Relief from pain. The aches and pains of arthritis may prevent someone from wanting to move around, but the truth is, a sedentary lifestyle can cause more stiffness and pain. There are exercises that specifically strengthen muscles while building cardio endurance and improving range of motion, leading to reduced inflammation in and lubrication of the joints. Talk with the doctor or physical therapist for guidance on which exercises are appropriate.
  • A better overall outlook on life. Exercise releases hormones that ease the effects of anxiety and depression and increase relaxation. Not only that, but exercising with a buddy strengthens social connections – another crucial component to emotional wellness.
  • Improved physical health. Though the exact reason is unknown, exercise has been shown to boost immunity, leading to fewer acute respiratory illnesses. It also is linked to a lower incidence of a variety of chronic health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, cognitive decline, and more.

What Are Some Good Exercise Options for Older Adults?

It’s important to always first talk to the doctor before beginning or changing any exercise program. With the doctor’s approval, these ideas are often ideal for older adults:

  • Pilates and yoga. These exercises are gentle on the joints while improving balance and stability, strengthening bones and muscles, and increasing flexibility.
  • Strength training. Strength training exercises, like wall push-ups, squats, and climbing stairs, can actually reverse muscle loss while burning body fat.
  • Aerobics. Just 30 minutes a day (broken into 10-minute sessions if desired) of swimming, walking, or riding a stationary bike can strengthen the lungs and heart.

How Can Home Care Help?

Let one of our care professionals partner with an older adult you love to help increase physical activity, and ultimately, their health and wellbeing. Learn more about the benefits of seniors staying active and how we can provide the motivation, transportation, and socialization that make exercise programs possible and fun!

Contact us any time at (520) 355-4787 to schedule a free in-home consultation to see which of our many customized home care solutions is right for you. We’re pleased to serve older adults in Catalina, Tucson, Oro Valley, and the surrounding areas.

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