Senior Health

using pill organizers

The Unexpected Dangers of Pill Organizers and How Home Care Can Help

Medication usage is common among older adults. According to findings from a National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, many people aged 60-79 are taking five or more prescription drugs daily, making it a challenge to keep track of multiple medications. Pill organizers can be a helpful tool for older adults managing a variety of medications. […]

The Unexpected Dangers of Pill Organizers and How Home Care Can Help Read More »

Restroom Direction Sign

Effective Strategies to Minimize the Challenges of Incontinence in Dementia

Dementia creates significant changes in a senior loved one. Couple that with a sensitive issue like incontinence and providing care can begin to feel overwhelming. Incontinence is difficult enough to manage for older adults who do not have a cognitive impairment, however, it is even more challenging when a senior has dementia. Incontinence may be

Effective Strategies to Minimize the Challenges of Incontinence in Dementia Read More »

man cupping hand over ear to hear

Tips for Communicating with Seniors Experiencing Loss of Hearing

Loss of hearing is a common issue among older adults. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, around a third of people ages 65 to 74 have hearing loss and nearly half of those 75 and older have difficulty hearing. Hearing loss can come on gradually over time, or it can

Tips for Communicating with Seniors Experiencing Loss of Hearing Read More »

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